Same Day Sex Doll Rental in the GTA!

Same Day Sex Doll Rental in the GTA!

Our Cleaning Process.


Customers Perform Light Cleaning.

Before every doll is returned, the previous customer follows our basic cleaning instructions to lightly clean the doll, inside and out. We receive dolls back cleaned with soap & water and powdered. Any customers who don't follow the rules are charged a Cleaning Fee ($75-$200) from their security deposit..


Dolls Go to Cleaning Facility.

Dolls are picked-up, wrapped in plastic and transported in a flight case to our facility. Once dolls arrive, they are removed and all accessories and the flight case are cleaned and disinfected. Dolls are then inspected for damage and photographed.


Thorough Deep Cleaning.

We clean the doll's surface with a special degreaser that removes hair, organic materials (sweat, dirt, etc.), wash with hot water and powder to restore the material's natural silky smoothness. Internal cavities get the same treatment, but each cavity is flushed and UV treated with one of our specialized cleaning tools. The doll is thoroughly dried using desiccant sticks to ensure all moisture is removed.


Bag 'em & Tag 'em.

Dolls are then placed in a new bag, tagged with the date and time of cleaning and the initials of the cleaner who takes responsibility for the cleanliness of the doll.


Cool-Off Period.

We then have a minimum 24-hour "cool off" period to make sure there is enough time between rentals to further reduce the risk of any disease transmission.


Customers Use Protection.

We provide condoms with every rental at no charge and strongly encourage customers to use them. While we can't enforce this, it is always recommended.